1. Be responsible with credit cards. Many a college student has gotten into trouble with credit cards while they are in school. If you do decide to get a credit card, make sure you find a card with a low interest rate and no annual fees. Also, be very careful to pay your credit card bills on time. Just one late payment can result in fees and/or a huge increase in your
interest rate.
2. Buy used or digital textbooks. The cost of college textbooks can add up over the years. It isn’t unusual for students to spend more than $1,000 each semester. You can save a lot of money by buying your textbooks used or investing in digital textbooks. There are many different sites that sell used and digital textbooks on the web at huge discounts. Good sites to try include Biblio and Zinio.
3. Rent textbooks. Renting textbooks can be even cheaper than buying used or digital books. Most textbook rental services use a Netflix-style rental system that allows buyers to have books shipped to their front door. Textbooks can often be rented for an entire semester or for an entire year. Examples of textbook rental services include Chegg and Skoobit. Read More....
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